

Our observatory at Melle on Oldendorfer Berg is our central place to explore space. Guests are always welcome. For opening hours on saturday please visit our startpage in German.
Our regular table, the Astro-Stammtisch, meets every in two weeks cycle on Wednesday at 19:30 h at the "PONTosPARK" restaurant in Osnabrück. On these open to public events we talk about all sorts of astronomy topics other interesting stuff. For exact dates see right.
Our Astronomische Arbeitsgemeinschaft meets on astronomically oriented events on the last Friday of the month (except during the school holidays) starting at 20:00 hours at the Museum am Schölerberg.
Guests are welcome to all our events! You can also contact us, for example for a private guide at our observatory
Information at (-Contact-)
Last change: 1.4.2023
Events Events Events Events Events Events
(For events go here to the German pages)
Actual Sun
Actual sun in visible light
SDO Intensitygram , Source: NASA
Actual sun in extreme ultraviolett light (30,4 nm wavelength)Source: NASA